Monday, September 29, 2008

Who Is My Mother?

We started our morning matching these animal pieces with the correct mother/baby combo. The kids loved to find the baby and learn its name. They especially enjoyed the baby goat because it's called a kid!!

Thank you for wishing Mrs. Amber a Happy Birthday! What great singing voices all of you have.

We also put pig puzzles together. This was great practice to cut and or find the matching picture for our pieces to fit on. We also colored pictures that matched up our baby animals with their correct mother. Before play time we sang BINGO and they did so good with the clapping and eliminating the letters. They liked BINGO so much we sang again while we waited for snack!!

During circle time we played 'shake the bag' so we could review all of our letters and letter sounds we learned this month. We sang our letter sound song accompanied with our sign and reviewed some words that begin with that letter.

Each month we will learn three new letters with its sound and sign. A new shape will be introduced as well as a number and two colors.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Quack, Quack

Today was "quacky" sort of day!! The learning box question today was, "What does a duck sound like? What does a goose sound like?" The kids really enjoyed this and it gave us a chance to be silly and make funny animal noises. We read Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown and sang 5 little ducks.

We made our own ducks which was great practice cutting and gluing.

We reviewed our ABC's, Color's, and Shape's. The kids are learning to take turns and raise their hand to answer a question. We also practice sitting in our own 'special spots' and keeping our hands in our laps.

Red and blue were reviewed and we colored this worksheet. The kids held up either a red or blue crayon to match the appropriate picture. We had a red apple and barn, and a blue dolphin and blueberries.

Before playtime started we played a game of duck, duck, goose. This was so fun to see how many times they would run the circle before they actually sat down in the spot. This will be a game we can practice and perfect. After all, this is the beginning of learning a game that your kids will undoubtedly play for years to come!!! Practice makes perfect. See you Thursday.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Down on the Farm

Welcome Kayli and Taylee, our newest pre-school pals. We are so happy you are here with us to learn and have fun!

"With a moo moo here, and a moo moo there, here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo, Old McDonald had a Farm E, I, E, I, O!!!" We have officially started our farm theme. Our learning box question was, "What are some things you can find on a farm?" Lots of answers were horsies, one sheep, a cow, and a duck.

We read Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown and sorted farm animals from zoo animals using a Fisher Price farm set.

Here we are lining up so we can ride our 'train' to snack time. Chug-a-chug-a, choo-choo!!! The kids love to bring snack because then they get to be line leader for the day! It's great when the little things in life mean so much!!

We introduced the letter /m/ /m/ Mm today, the number 2, and also the color blue.
We played Is It Blue? Each child drew something from a box and then told everyone if it was blue.

Kayli and Taylee did great on their first day. We are making alphabet books with these letter sheets, so you may not see these until the end of the year.

WE LOVE TO PLAY!!!!! Playtime is obviously the kids favorite time at pre-school. It is wonderful to watch them interact. Their imaginations are endless, as is their energy. I brought some dress up clothes and Barbies from my house to Miss Laura's. The girls were so excited to have more girlie toys and Corey brought his monster trucks for the boys.
Just love Mater in Cinderella's carriage. The fun of having boys and girls together.

We hope to have some sort of dancing or music time each day. Encouraging kids to move can help improve their motor skills. Plus they look super cute doing it!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Our favorites!

Today everyone started by coloring the letter /g/ /g/ Gg.

Our learning box question was "What's your favorite thing to do?" Some of the answers were, *lay by my dog *play with my sister *play with my mom *watch movies *play on the computer

We sang "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" to get our hearts going, then we listened to each others heartbeat.

We read Here Are My Hands by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault.

And talked about all the special things about us.

Then we made a magazine collage of things we love.

We reviewed the letter Gg and looked at pictures that start with Gg. We played "Is it 1?"

And we made a circle with our...

our bodies
and our feet.
Playtime! Love the monster trucks by the castle. :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

It's All About Me!

I haven't forgotten you! I'm just trying to get back into the preschool blogging groove. :)

Tuesday. September 9

Today we welcomed everyone by coloring and reviewing the letter Aa.

After Calendar time we played the number 1 game. Everyone stood up and did an action (clap, jump, turn, etc.) one time, while we counted to one.

We reviewed our rules.

**Listen and Follow Directions**

**Keep Your Hands to Yourself**

We shared what we brought in our "All About Me" bags. I wish we could have read all the books everyone brought. We'll have to have a special day set aside for reading our favorite books!

We read Now I'm Big by Margaret Miller and talked about all the things we can do now, that we couldn't do when we were little.

We did a tracer page to practice writing wiggly lines and our names. You can find some great age appropriate tracing pages here.

After snack and circle time (we review our fundamentals during circle time), we decorated our Preschool Boxes. The preschool boxes are a fun place to keep all the many things your kids bring home that you'll want to keep!

Thursday. September 11

As we welcomed everyone today we played file folder games and put together puzzles.

After Calendar Time we Danced Around our circle. We also crawled, walked, and jumped around the circle. Every time the music stopped we would FREEZE!

The Circle Song
tune of The More We Stick Together

Have you ever seen a circle, a circle, a circle?
Have you ever seen a circle that rolls round and round?
It rolls this way and that way, and that way and this way.
Have you ever seen a circle that rolls round and round?

We read Now I'm Big again and measured ourselves with string.

We also talked about our unique thumb prints and made a thumbprint for each child to look at and examine with a magnifying glass.

During Circle time we played Is It Red? We had a red bucket with lots of red things inside. The kids were able to look inside and talk about all the red items.

We also introduced Gg. We showed the children what /g/ /g/ Garlic looked like, then they colored another page for their coloring book.

The Letter Gg
to the tune of Frere Jacques

The letter O. The letter O. (make ASL sign for letter, showing one hand then the other)
Has a sound. Has a sound. (bring 1 hand to ear and then the other hand to the other ear)
What sound do you make? What sound do you make? (palms facing up, shrug shoulders)
/o/ /o/ /o/! /o/ /o/ /o/! (Make ASL sign for letter, move hand forward and backward for each sound)

We love being able to teach your adorable children!!





Our Friend Jacob

We love Cory and Hailee too, we just don't have their pictures right now!