Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's Hot In the Desert!! Already!!!

We started our morning coloring a desert memory game. These are hopefully are making their way home and into your game bucket. These are great for the kids and help them use their memorization skills while learning about desert life.
Our LBQ today- Can you act out your favorite desert creature? We loved Cade's scorpion once again!

Pledge/Weather/ Calendar

We reviewed our desert flash cards and asked if they could tell us one fact about the plant or animal. They really remembered quite a bit and we were definitely impressed and smiling!
We then read Hide-N-Go Snake. It was a fun book that made us look really hard to find where our colorful snake was hiding. After we read it everyone got to pick where their favorite hiding spot for the snake was.

Next we finished our snake plates which are so cute. Miss Laura has such great ideas and these crafts the kids are making are so fun. We love to watch their reaction as they get so excited to take them home and show you!!
After the snakes were completed we counted and cut our animal chains. This was a great class activity to count together. This was also a great way to practice our cutting and gluing.
In our fundamentals today we reviewed the letters Zz, Vv, and Kk. We also looked and the colors pink and purple, the number 7, and the shape of a heart.
Our last activity of the day before playtime was to color our, Is It Pink? Is It Purple? worksheet.
Today we made our way to the grassy area to play, but kept walking when we realized the grass was super wet. So we just continued back to Miss Laura's and pointed out the desert cactus and flowers along the way!

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