Monday, January 5, 2009

MeRRy ChRisTmas aNd a HaPPy NEw YeaR!!!

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!!!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas! WE are so excited about today and all the fun we had. After all the kids talked about what they wanted for Christmas we took our special bells that Miss Laura got from the Polar Express and sang Jingle Bells. Each child had a turn with a bell and we all sang. They are so cute. Taylee, Carson, and Sadie!
Zoe, Corey, and Tyler

Next we read our book, The Sweet Smell of Christmas again and as you can see we really relaxed for story time.

They loved laying on their tummies for the book and what a Kodak moment!!

After reading our story and discussing it again we came to the tables for a little lesson on the birth of our Savior. We read in the Bible, Luke 2: 7-14. Then we had little manger sticker sets to put on our paper. This was to help us remember why we celebrate Christmas.
Jacob and Kayli

After our mangers were done we had a great snack. And then we were off to the neighbors house to sing Christmas carols. Miss Laura and I forgot the camera and we are so sad we didn't get them singing. They all did really good and sang so beautifully, the neighbors loved it!!
After a quick review of our fundamentals we moved onto the the PaARrTy!!
Singing and dancing with our reindeer hats on. Don't they look adorable!!

So here we are getting ready for our gift exchange. Well as many of you know some of your kids may have come home with the same present. This idea was great but maybe too hard for this age group. They don't understand why they are giving their toys away. So next year we may suggest hitting the dollar store before we exchange gifts!!

And here they are, the cutest little reindeers you ever did see!!
On Sarah, on Mary-Kate, on Sadie and Jacob, on Corey, on Taylee, on Tyler and Riah, on Kayli, on Zoe, on Cade, and on Carson, to the top of the roof, now dash away , dash away, dash away all.
P.S. Just make sure you come back January 6, 2009.
Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry CHristmas!!!
Happy New Year!!
Miss Laura and I wanted to thank all of you and your thoughtful gifts. We love having your children in our Pre-School and are so exctied about the New Year!!!

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