Monday, November 24, 2008

Pilgrim Cutie Pies!!!

Today we started our day playing with our file folders. Counting, sorting, matching and recognizing are the main lessons of these file folders. After morning pledge, calendar, and weather, we re-read Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving by Natasha Wing.

Next we made Pilgrim hats and went outside on a Thanksgiving parade so the friendly landscaper's and neighbors could see us marching. After marching we were terribly hungry so good thing snack time was next. Thanks for all the yummy snacks all of you parents are bringing, the kids are loving it.

After snack it was on to fundamentals where we reviewed a few pictures that started with the letter Tt. After ABC's and our review of a triangle, we played Is It 4? After doing a few on the board we then moved back into the kitchen so they could all do their own worksheet.

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