Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

We are so excited for Thanksgiving and we have been talking all month about all the yummy food and fun activities this time of year brings. I think Miss Laura and I are the most excited and ready to eat, GOBBLE,GOBBLE!!!! Our LBQ today was about what each child was doing for Thanksgiving. Some were going to Grandma's house, some staying home, and some not so sure!!

After pledge, weather, and calendar we did a fun finger play called
Gobble, Gobble
(from a Wee Sing book of children's songs and Finger plays )
a)A turkey is a funny bird
b)His head goes wobble, wobble,
And he knows c)just one word,
d)Gobble, gobble, gobble
a) make turkey tail by hooking thumbs and spreading fingers b) shake from side to side c) hold up one finger d) shake head, sound like turkey
Next we read a great book called A Turkey for Thanksgiving by Eve Bunting. Fun story that all the kids enjoyed. We discussed all the yummy things that we eat at our Thanksgiving dinner .

We painted our hands brown, red, orange, and yellow to make our turkey hand prints.
This isn't just a turkey as you can plainly see.
I made it with my hands which are a part of me.
It comes with lots of love especially to say,
I hope you have a very, Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Sorry we forgot to take pictures and so we hope you hang on to your child's. One day you'll look at it and say, I can't believe their hand was ever so small.
After snack we had circle time and reviewed the #4, triangle, and our ABC's. We then reviewed with letter cards our three letters for the month, Tt, Yy, Ll. We also reviewed and played I spy with the colors yellow and brown.

At the end of class before playtime started we let the kids paint on some brown paper. These pictures show the creativity of the kids. They had so much fun just painting whatever!!!!!

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