Sunday, March 29, 2009

Usery Mountain FIELDTRIP!

I'm glad some of you were able to make it to our field trip to Usery Mountain Regional Park. It was a lot of fun. We got there and the Park Ranger was reading Way Out in the Desert by T. J. Marsh. She had the kids act like all of the animals and it was really cute to watch them all. Then we went for a very short wilderness hike. Beforehand she reminded the children to be careful and taught us all what to do if we encounter a rattle snake (hold very still, find it, back away slowly)! When we got back the children looked back through the book and found a number hiding on each page. Then we sat and ate lunch and the rangers passed out junior ranger badges to all of the kids. There was also a little playground they got to play on. I loved it, but I'm a sucker for desert stuff. If you didn't get to make it or are just interested in going again they do all sorts of activities through out the month and you can find them here.

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